Saudi International Collegiate Programming Event Stage Design

Saudi International Collegiate Programming Event Stage Design

Saudi International Collegiate Programming Event Stage Design

Loewe's Interactive Technology Experience

Loewe's Interactive Technology Experience




The Saudi Collegiate Programming Contest, held in Riyadh and hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, saw over 2000 registrations from 40+ universities. Eventagrate collaborated with the Ministry and the Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship (ACPC) to enhance the event with dynamic stage content and manage the awards ceremony.

The Saudi Collegiate Programming Contest, held in Riyadh and hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, saw over 2000 registrations from 40+ universities. Eventagrate collaborated with the Ministry and the Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship (ACPC) to enhance the event with dynamic stage content and manage the awards ceremony.

The Saudi Collegiate Programming Contest, held in Riyadh and hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, saw over 2000 registrations from 40+ universities. Eventagrate collaborated with the Ministry and the Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship (ACPC) to enhance the event with dynamic stage content and manage the awards ceremony.




  • Immersive Stage Content: 3D content creation and synchronization for presentations by the emcee and Deputy Minister Eng. Faris Al Saqabi.

  • Real-time Competition Show Element: Showcasing winners with a 30-second piece using Ventuz software for live 3D content rendering.

  • LED Enhanced Stage Design: A technically designed stage with LED strips for aesthetic enhancement, executed in collaboration with Topex SA.

For state-of-the-art event content and technology solutions, Eventagrate is your ideal partner.

  • Immersive Stage Content: 3D content creation and synchronization for presentations by the emcee and Deputy Minister Eng. Faris Al Saqabi.

  • Real-time Competition Show Element: Showcasing winners with a 30-second piece using Ventuz software for live 3D content rendering.

  • LED Enhanced Stage Design: A technically designed stage with LED strips for aesthetic enhancement, executed in collaboration with Topex SA.

For state-of-the-art event content and technology solutions, Eventagrate is your ideal partner.

  • Immersive Stage Content: 3D content creation and synchronization for presentations by the emcee and Deputy Minister Eng. Faris Al Saqabi.

  • Real-time Competition Show Element: Showcasing winners with a 30-second piece using Ventuz software for live 3D content rendering.

  • LED Enhanced Stage Design: A technically designed stage with LED strips for aesthetic enhancement, executed in collaboration with Topex SA.

For state-of-the-art event content and technology solutions, Eventagrate is your ideal partner.